Telematic Application

The documents that you can request, both electronically and physically in the case of individuals, are as follows:

  • Import Notification

Before making your first application, you must go to one of the SOIVRE Inspection Services of the Territorial/Provincial Trade Directorates to register free of charge using the online registration application form [PDF] [155.47 kB]

More information and access to Login to the Electronic Headquarters of the State Secretariat for Trade of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Enterprise.

Useful information:

  • It is necessary to have a digital user certificate. The digital certificate of the Fábrica Nacional de la Moneda y Timbre or the digital certificate incorporated in an identification card with a microchip (for example, the electronic DNI) is valid. It is important to note that the certificate must be already installed/entered into the system before opening the Internet browser and must be maintained throughout the data recording.
  • In order to carry out the electronic signature procedure, it is necessary to have the latest version of JAVA, which can be downloaded free of charge from its own website.
  • Applications can be made by the commercial operators themselves (importers, exporters, breeders, etc.) or by their authorised representatives (customs agents, freight forwarders, companies, etc.). In both cases, they can be natural or legal persons.