Customs Control

International trade in specimens of species included in Annexes A and B of Regulation (EC) No. 338/97.

At the time of import, export or re-export, the merchandise will be presented along with the import, export permit or re-export certificate. In the case of imports, you must also present the original of the foreign CITES document (export permit or re-export certificate from the country of origin). This documentation must be presented to the Customs of the first point of introduction into the EU.

If the import is carried out directly in Spain, once the merchandise has physically arrived and, prior to customs clearance, an inspection request will be submitted to one of the 12 SOIVRE Inspection Services of the Territorial and Provincial Directorates of Commerce through the Species in Trade Inspection Document (DIESAC CITES).

The 12 border points authorized for international trade in specimens of CITES species are shown on the map below:

CITES-authorized border points

Customs must fill out box 27 of the import permit, giving the importer the "copy for the holder."

Import of specimens of species included in Annexes C and D of Regulation (EC) No. 338/97

At the time of importation, the merchandise will be presented along with the duly completed Import Notification and, for specimens of species included in Annex C, the original of the document accrediting the origin of the merchandise that corresponds to a permit export or a certificate of origin depending on the country of origin of the specimens. This documentation must be presented to the Customs of the first point of introduction into the EU.

If the import is carried out directly in Spain, once the merchandise has physically arrived and, prior to customs clearance, an inspection request will be submitted to one of the 12 SOIVRE Inspection Services of the Territorial and Provincial Directorates of Commerce through the Species in Trade Inspection Document (DIESAC CITES).

Customs must fill out box 14 of the Import Notification, giving the importer the "copy intended for the importer."

International trade in specimens of species not included in the Annexes to Regulation (EC) No. 338/97

At the request of Customs, the operator must submit an inspection request to the SOIVRE Inspection Services of the Territorial and Provincial Directorates of Commerce using the Non-CITES Species in Trade Inspection Document (non-CITES DIESAC).
